We deliver a complete range of wealth management services in the areas of investment management, consolidation, reporting and advisory. Our mission is to achieve your investment goals by providing impartial investment advice and avoiding conflicts of interest.
While our main activity is the effective management of your assets we also boast an extensive international network of professionals from various fields. Together with them we can help find complete solutions to your wealth management needs.
Investment Management
Discretionary / Advisory / Reporting Mandates
Wealth Protection
Succession planning, offshore structures, trusts/foundations.
Family Office
Integrated services for the efficient management of the family’s patrimony.
Account Administration
Choice of more than 10 partner banks in 4 jurisdictions (Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein, Singapore).
Global Virtual Custody
View all your assets (liquid and non-liquid) across all banking relationships in a detailed consolidated report.
Related Services
Our network of trusted partners can advise on tax optimisation, relocation, art, education, real estate, and many more.
We'd love to hear from you.
Get in touch to see how we can help you achieve your investment goals.
About us
Primestone Partners AG (hereinafter “the company”) is an independent asset management company domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland. It holds a license from the Swiss Financial Market Authority (FINMA) as an asset manager within the meaning of Art. 17 para 1. FINIA and is directly supervised by FINMA.
The company was founded in 2012 by Aquila Ltd and 3 partners. As a partner of Aquila Ltd, the company can draw on specific expertise in the areas of legal, compliance & risk, accounting and IT (outsourcing). Aquila Ltd has a banking license and is also supervised by FINMA.
Our team has more than 60 years’ of combined experience in Wealth Management and International Private Banking, both in Switzerland and abroad. Everyone, without exception, has worked for at least one major international bank and therefore is familiar with the internal processes of banks.
Bankers. But without the bank.
Truly independent.
PrimeStone Partners AG is not affiliated with any particular bank. Therefore, we are truly on your side and provide impartial advice based on an open architecture. This means we will source the best products and opportunities on the markets without bias. You also benefit from an improved fee structure with the custodian banks.
Bank employees are forced to meet their employer’s expectations and, very often, the bank’s and the customer’s interests do not align. We, on the other hand, are on your side and represent your interests at all times vis-a-vis financial institutions and other service providers. Our work is clearly focused on investment results taking into account your needs and preferences.
You call all the shots.
You choose the custodian bank where you would like to maintain your account and assets. Alternatively, we can recommend a suitable bank from our list of partner banks. Our partner banks also offer alternative booking centres to Switzerland like Liechtenstein, Austria, and Singapore.
We will manage the assets with the custodian bank and assist you with banking related matters. You retain full control over the account. Our power is limited to placing market orders. It allows us to efficiently manage the assets but does not allow for the transfer of assets out of the account.

Highest industry standards
Super compliant.
Regulated at the highest level
PrimeStone Partners AG (hereinafter «the company») is an independent asset management company domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland. It holds a license from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as an asset manager within the meaning of Art. 17 para. 1 FINIA and is directly supervised by FINMA.
FINMA is the highest supervisory body in Switzerland for all financial institutions including banks.
Built on strong foundations
PrimeStone Partners AG is a partner company of Aquila Ltd. It is Switzerland’s largest platform for independent asset managers. Aquila Ltd. has securities broker status since 2005, a banking license since 2012, and is subject to controls set by the FINMA. Aquila Ltd. is 100% privately owned and is therefore entirely independent.
As a partner company of Ltd., the company can draw on specific expertise in the areas of legal, compliance & risk, accounting and IT (outsourcing). Aquila Ltd holds a banking license and is also supervised by FINMA.
Compliance and audit
PrimeStone Partners AG is audited semi-annually internally and externally by PricewaterhouseCoopers with regard to full compliance with anti-money laundering and other regulations.
The new Federal Financial Services Act (FINSA) came into force in Switzerland on January 1, 2020. On the one hand, it contains regulatory provisions on the offering of financial services and financial products and, on the other, protective mechanisms for investors. Even before the FINSA came into force, Aquila Ltd and its partner companies attached great importance to protecting the interests of their clients. Based on the new legislation, the existing processes were further revised and adapted to the requirements of the FINSA where necessary within the transition periods provided. In the linked document below, we summarize the most important information for you.
DOWNLOAD: Client information on the Financial Services Act (FINSA)
Contact us
Bahnhofstrasse 43 · CH-8001 Zurich Switzerland
+41 58 680 6160